HomeMy WebLinkAbout276aJOHN M. JACKSON. PRESIDENT OF COUNCIL COMMI..IONER OF FINANCE AND HEALTH 0 �b r� CMr.S. B. CLARK - FRED E. OLIN VICE PRESIDENT OF COUNCIL COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC SAFETY COMMISSIONER OF PARKS, HIGHWAYS AND LISHTINS. - %w My 24th, 1928. RES.OLUT ION HE IT RESOLVED by the Council of Pueblo that the recommendation of the Comdssioner of Public Safety that license No. 9896 to sell soft drinks at No. 87 Adams Avenue, Pueblo, Colorado, be concurred in and his recommendation approved and said license be revoked, and the license fee therefor in the sum of Dive ($5.00) Dollars, be returned. Introduced eke . a, In by C, PUEBLO,COT.ORADO A.E. WARREN ATTORNEY AT LAW CExz$.u. Bi.ocx FvnsL o, Coz. o. My 17, 1928 To The Honorable City Commissioners, Pueblo, Gentlemen: Mc. and Mrs. 0. B. Wolf, who live at 95 Pest Adams Street, have employed me to represent them in complaining of a nuisance maintained by a man by the name of Fuller, who has a Root Beer Stand on a triangular piece of land lmanediate]y east of and adjacent to their home in the City of Pueblo, and state to me that they have complained to the City authorities on numerous occasions, both last year and this year in regard to disorderly conduct on the part of the employee of said Root Beer Stand, and the public that patronizes their place of business at that point. I have been informed that a permit has been issued for 1928 to someone other than Mr. Fuller, whose name I have not been able to learn; but that the real operator of the place was Mr. Fuller. I am also informed that numerous other persons living in the immediate vicinity have complained to the City authorities in ream. %* the disorder that results from the main- taining of this Root Beer Stand, Mr. and Mrs. Wolf complain that the place is operated to a late hour of the night and that a large number of automobiles drive in on the premises and honk their automobile horns and that there is a continual noise from the horns of the patrons and loud talking with the girl employes of the Root Beer Stand; that said noise is so loud and of such a continues nature in the night time that it is impossible for the inhabitants of their home to obtain any sleep, and in fact, destroys the peace and quiet of their home until a late hour at night, in fact as late as midnight; that the occupants of said Root Beer Stand burn garbage consisting of the refuse from meat, near the home of W. and Mrs. Wolf and causes noxious orders to permeate the residence l�..li. VV1�I�I2I�� ATT OHN�I AT LAW C E N'I`rt 11L 73L0 C1i PUE731,0,COi.O. Page Tyro, City Commissioners. of complainants and thereby further destroys the peace and enjoy- ment of their horse; that it also has depreciated and will continue to depreciate the value of their property. That the above practices on the part of the occu and proprietor of the said Root 3e er ;stand not only occur on a few occasions, but on even] night in which the weather is at all seasonable for people to stop there and patronize that wind of bus ine s s- -�vhic h is on most every night. On behalf of 1 and 1. rs. Wolf, I respectfully request that the permit to operate t is Root Beer Stand, located as above stated, be revoked, and that the place of business be abated as a nuisance. Respectfully yours, JOHN M. JACKSON, PRESIDENT DF Cou NOIL COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE AN. HEALTH CHAS. B. CLARK FRED E. OLIN VIDE PRESIDENT DF Cou NCIL .COM MISSIONER OF PUBLIC SAFETY COMMISSIONER OF PARKS, HIGHWAYS AND LIGHTING Ti May 24th, 1928. To the Council of Pueblo, Pueblo, Colorado. Gentlemen: -- During the sutiraer of 1927 a root beer stand was erected at No. 87 Adams Avenue, Pueblo, Colorado, and a license issued by the City to sell soft drinks there. On kpril 30th, 1923, license ,`9896 was issued by the City of Pueblo,to T. C. ,+nods to sell soft drinks at the above location, said license extending to Deceriber 31st, 1928, and for which he paid The usual license fee of 5.00. It has been called to my attention by numerous complaints and also by the hearing held before the Council today, that this root beer stand, as it is being conducted, is a nuisance and an annoyance to the people in that neighborhood, and with the approval of the Council I reconnend that the license be revoked and the license fee be returned for the following reasons: (1) It appears that the sanw persons who conducted the stand last gear are conducting it this year, and that in the main, the "Usiness is bein ; conducted the sar-_e As it r:as in 1927. (2) I find that numerous patrons of the place stop near the root beer stand and on streets adjacent to it, and sometimes even across the street, and honk the horns of their automobiles to attract the attention of the employes of the root beer stand, and that the employes serve these persons even across the street; that the honkinT of horns, loud talkin etc., is con- tinued until after midnight - both last - and this year - and that it annoys the residents of that neighborhood and a church congregation across the street therefrom. (3) I furz}er find that the employes in charge of this root beer stand, at certain times of the year, serve sandwiches and that the wrappings therefrom are thrown dorm on the ground and blow onto the property of people livinc in that neighborhood; that these papers are in such numbers as to make it necessary for people living in that nei�borhood to be constantly gathering there up and this creates a nuisance. Yt,i:Hi.o,COLOUnno -• 2 - (x) 1 also "ini that aiployes in charge of this root beer stand accumulate the vrrappin s from butter and other refuse and garbage, and burn salve on the premises close to ho windows of homes in that neighborhood and that this syioke blows into the residences and _s annoying. (5) 1 further find t _at the a,ployes of this root beer stand throw out sweetened water and t:.at this sti=r - etened water attracts flies YrLi cl: .s annoying to the neif`�iborhood. (6) I f`urth�;r find cat on account of 6' honking; of horns and noise that the church con;reation across the street from this stand is being disturbed at the time of holding religious services. (7) I further find that the ljaintenanee o_' uhis root beer stand ,. the disturbance and noise in connection &,erewith, and the general �: nner in -which �t is conducted, is depreciating the value of property in that nei__hborhood, the undisputed evidence before the Council being that the property of osviners next adjacent to the root beer staid has been depreciated at ]east :'1,000.00 hereby. (8) I also find that the honkin:r~ of horns ^, n d ,,he loud talking has been not only patrons, ':.ut also the proprietors and employes of the root beer stand; that they Irve indulged in this late at ni;_;ht and r:as b; a disturbance to the nei, hborhood. For all of these reasons I recormmend to the Council of Pueblo tl at license No. 9896, issued to J. C. 7 ,7cods, on A.)ril 3 1928 ex- tendin,u to December 31st, 1928, to sell soft drinks at No. 87 Adams Avenue, Pueblo, Colorado, be revoked and the license fee be returned. Respectfully submitted: & S'�'rzz. Conrlissioner of Public Safety. TO THE JONORABLE BOARD OF CITY CO11,1ISSIONERS PUEBLO. COLORADO We, the undersigned residents of the City of Pueblo an:' residing in the vicinity of the intersection of Adams avenue and :_$� !_venue in said city, respectfully represent to your honorable body that we have suffered no annoyance by reason of the root beer stand operated by J. C. Woods being located at said corner and do not consider said root beer stand to be in any way against the interests of said community. Respectfully submitted, Name Address F u ! ;.... 7' ✓` L .� ..:tom ^ ,,.., t �,, �i�. -Cr f . 21�1 zV R y L L -11 IVA/ � � .,•.. � te a" -..�_ � ,�!' � -- -- -- .