HomeMy WebLinkAbout262aHY,30hVZD by the Counoil of Pueblo that we ax* opposed to any project which will impair tho beauty of the Royal Gorge,, and that it is certain that the diversion from the Arkansas Diver above tiae Gorge of three hundred cubic feet of water per second, as can - templa.ted, by 1"Ubl.io service Company of Colorado # will exhaust the entire flow of they stream fcr extended periods each year, and will greatly deplate it during additional long, periods, thereby robbing the Gorge of the principal element of its majesty and ,grandeur, leaving wee, ; l y an uninteresting gash In the mountains* Th Royal 4orge is not only the outstanding geenle attraction of the state but is world-famed for its mag nificence %, and' nd travelers from all pasts of the United States and from all nations of the world j ourney there in ever increasing .cum bers to ,admire the murvel. ous h amd1work of VUX*e * ntirely apart from the desirability of preserving natural beauties, which may be s,ai:d to be sentimental though those are the pride of our 6tate and have done more to encourage its development than any other one tki2x , the f&Ot iJ tYMlt IrOm a purely cownerc;i.al standpoint tUe doseer�tion a the Royal, Gorge would be short - sighted and Ill. advised. The thousands or sightseers who visit the Gorge each year by train or by automobile bring to the Mate a substantial measure Of Vrosperity,, supporting our railroads and automobile iU- dustrios , which tOlWhOr e=p MX4 th dig of Our ci,ti z *n`s` * purthermore,v experience has demonstrated that it is very doubt - ftl r , 4het1wr electricity can ho produced more cheaply by water power than it can by stesm partloul &rlY in vlOw_ Of t14 oonsta.ntly i.z.creas- jug effi.elanoy of gener&tlon by steazi plen.ts, Which inoidontally oon- su 00% of whi.ah Colorado bait aa.n abu 4anae o and in the marketl g of which her citizens, are inter *stodgy► Any XMall saving that might result to those who might be fuzr►ni shod power from this project as a result of the ruin of the Royal Gorge could never offset the loss to the State as a whole from deaftased tourist travel rind the wont raa-'V, tion or the market for coal. Agains an the Council views the mtto- It is unimpor, a* r that the Public Sorvias Company limits Its demands to feet of water for it it is true, as that Oampany claivict that the use is a non-consuming owe, the ant ire flow of the Riveoe whether 300 feet or 1000 feet or mare, , coWAd be diverted In its entirety without Injury to Pi.ppropriators of water below the point of return. It is not rash to "resume thiat If the origiml project should prove a financial success, the plant will be enlarged and its water supply reinforced by reservoirs to protect bigainat low stages of the River,, and onoe it is Installed the Uompany oan make repeated appropriations of water Lind eventually dr7 up the Gorge even though the River may be oarrying a large flow of waters Living within two twurst journey of the Royal gorge, we are in a position to know t'Aat t's c shrlue of all nature lovers is an Inapiration. to all wiao see It t­nd we deplore Utat its destruc- tion ahould even be oonsidered in the Interests of a purely comereial pro jeot of questionable feasibility* And be it further resolved that our unalterable opposition to this project be expressed by serAing a copy of this resolution to The Public Utilities , C*Mjssj*Wr of the State, of Colorado and to the Federal Power Commission* Introduced this th day of i)ecember, 1927. By U U'1U11_L-13U I U11VI re -7