HomeMy WebLinkAbout224aC 0 P Y. FIVIDIINGS AIM IN TIM 1'."ATTER F PATROI�4 A. it. CoLVI In the -matter of the hearing of the charges against Patrolman A. A. Colvin, the findings of the Council of 'ueblo are as follows; I. :gin the hearing no witnesses testified directly as to the dis- turbance at the Del ledico place and that matter came before the Commiesionere only in an incidental way, the position of the Council of Pueblo being that they did not care to consider complaints of known violators of the law against police officers. 2. The matter of the general efficiency in service was presented to the Council and the fir-ding of the Council is that during the time that Patrolman h. A. Colvin has been on the Police Department of Pueblo his sea vice as a Patrolman has been iriost efficient. It appeared that in attempting to enforce the law, and under provocation, he used language which he iuxiediately admitted was not warranted and we col,mend iiiB willingness in curving frankly before the Council and admitting that his 1anguage was not warranted. 3. In the charges against Patrolman A. A - C olvin was a complaint that he ..as been drinking in violation of the rules of the Police De. pai2mant of xlueblo, and this charge is vMolly independent of all other com- plaints against him. Patrolman A.A- C olvin admitted to the Commissioners that lie purchased an unusual amount of cherries; that he made or manufactured wine from the cherries. Ile described the way or method used in feri- the wine and admitted that he had been using it, and his use of it seems Go have been Plore or less continuous. In 1.aking or manufacturing this wine he violated the law; in keeping it in his possession he violated the law, and in using or dInking it he violated the rules of the Police Department of Pueblo, and on this complaint the Council of Pueblo finds and determines that hie suspension should be made permanent and that he should be dismissed from the zolice Department. L troduced March 12th, 1927 BO Chas. B. Clark Com...iss-' oner,