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BE I II by the , �;ounc it of :Pueblo that the"
President of the �ounuil be and is hereby authorized -end directed
to address the folloyring letter to 1.1r. Thos. J. Tynan, 4a.rden of
the �olora.do :ita.te Penitentiary: April 26th, 1928*
....f '1- fin .��.. - �. - -•�. . �,^' ..,� r 4 r � {.�,eL�
Yours respeotful1g,
Pi ftu a l•
Mr. Thome, J. Tynan* Wa
Colorado Stute Penitentiary,
Canon City, Colorado,
Dear Sir: --
Acting upon a resolutiori of the Counoil of
Pueblo at the sug&stlon of qtr. F. 9. Hoag, a. me m b er' of
the Colorado Board of, Correouone, we hereby request you
to furnish the City of Pueblo with twelve morn to be
used in tAie oonstruotion of an opm auditoriu, to be
ereoted upon o.ity property near Beulah, Uolorudo, and
whiah will at all time be available for any logitimate
purpose, subjeet to the control and s upervisi on of the
City Coun ail of Pueblo,
Two or three of these men should know how to
proper* - and mix oonorste and mortar and to lay oonarete
bl:ooks for foundationse The remainder of the men should
have eeperi+eno* as oarpentarrs. None of the, work will be
of a difficult oheraoter, but it must be done well and
the building put up so as to withstand the storms Whi,cah
occur in this vicinity.
We have the money on hand with which to pay for
the msint0nanos of these men and the salary and muintenanoe
of the superintendent to be sent with them, and will pro -
vide transpor. from Pueblo 'to the oamp, wb1oh will
be a sheltered buildiang and return to Pueblo, if you
could sand the goon dam here. We will want the man by
May 18th for about tbirty doge.
Trusting you oan aogomodate us, we romain
....f '1- fin .��.. - �. - -•�. . �,^' ..,� r 4 r � {.�,eL�
Yours respeotful1g,
Pi ftu a l•