HomeMy WebLinkAbout173aRE S0LUT 10N. Be It Resolved by the Council of Pueblo: That the alley consisting of parts of Lots 13 -14 -15 and 16 in Block 14 in Ferd Barndollar & Co' s Addition to the c i t y of Puehl o, No. 2 and established by a Quit Claim deed from E. B. Wicks to the city of Pueblo, dated June, 13th, 1919, be and the same is hereby* vacated and that the title thereto revert to the parties entitled theret in accordance with Ithe )rovi.s'Lons of sa—ld quit cla:l deed. Introdu y City Commissioner. I, James W, Carpenter, City Clerk of Pueblo, Colorado, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of a resolution passed by the Council of Pueblo on the 9th day of Feb., 19254 City Clerk. P E T I T 1 0 N TO THE HONORABLE; F. E. Olin, John bi. Jackson, George J. Stu4f., City Commissioners, City Hall, Pueblo, Colorado. We the undersigned, oriners in fee siiiyi�le, of lots 1 14., 15 and 1�, in Blcck 14 in Ferd Barndollar & Co.'s Additi--n to the City of :Pueblo IN"o. 2 according to plat of said addition filed for record --n the 26th day of September, A. D. 1872, do here1 i_;et ition your honorable body to vac�,te thase alley's in- tersecting and cu tiny; through said lots esta1blighed by the Quit- Clair, Deed of E. B. Wicks to the City of Pueblo, dated June 13, 191 -said Quit-Claim Deed meads as follows to wit: Conveys a sori of land 10.-:ft. wide and 48 ft. long, of Lot 13, Block 14 in Ferd Barndollar & Co.'s addition to the city of Pueblo No. 2 according to plat of said addition filed for record on the 26th d"ay of February, 1872 for an alley, said st beginning the northeast corner of sadd lot 13. In the event of the discon- tinuance of said alley said stri pf land 10 ft. by 46" ft. shall revert to and becoiiie u the propetty of the owner of owners of the W. 120 ft. of lots 1V and 14 in Block 14. Also a s riy of land 10 ft. wide and 90 ft. long north and south of lots 13, 14, and 16 in Block 14, in Ferd Barr.dolla.r A Co.'s additi on file(: for record on the 26th day of February, 18 7 2 , for an alley the west line of s�_id stri bein.-I, 120 ft. east of the west line of sa -L ,-' U lots and the south end of said stri­� being the south line of said lot 16. In the event of the discontinuance of said alley, said s�ril. of 1;-nd shall revert to the owner or owners of said lots 1�, , 14 ., b., and 160 The undersigned have held said parcels or parts of lots sub- ject to the easement for alleys created by said Deed and are now agreed among themselves, and do hereby agree that they no longer viSh said alleys to be maintained through / upon / or across said lots; no - public p;urpose havin,(- beer, tit any' timb', subserved by said alleys and the s&me havin,< . been dedicated in order to give access, by the C and no others certain - ,pro ,erties -,xf. on said owners of sl-:-id lots, .# to - - lots located; and it has now been determined! by each and every one 1 of the owners of the said lots th�_-.t this - private j ur .'oso is no longer necessary to be subserved and it being the unanimous opinion of the owners o� said lots, the undersigned herein, that the said alle, >s should be vaetted and the dedication 'hereof annulled. The property covered by said alleys, to revert to the holders of said lots, the undersigned herein, a6 per clause of reversion in said Quit - Clain: Deed, set out and therein contained. Res - pectfully sucmitted An� ez er of W. 1 ft. o 13, , Owner of W. 120 flu. of lots 13, 16, Owner-of E. 48 ft. of Lots 13, 14, 15 and lb. I, Jacob Chisdes, undersigned, owner i-,_ fee simple of Lots 11 and 12, said Bloc_ 14, Ferd Barndollar Co.'s Addition tonne City of Pueblo, No. 2, which said lots 11 and 12 adjoin and abut upon Lots 13, 14, 13, and 16, in said Block 14, and said addition, and which adjoin and abut upon the private alley through,acooBs and upon said lots, do hereby join in the above petition for va- cation of said alley, and for the reversion of the area thereof to the owners of said Lots 13, 14, 13, and 16, as per clause of re- version in the deed of creation thereof; and respectfully request the passage of an ordinance of vacation of said alley- or alleys. Owner of Lots 11 and 12, Block 14. r Z Jan:aary 3th. 1'.)25. -Ruy A. Payton. �'ueblu. Colorado. Gent lei. In re ilk to your recent letter rec-arding ettior which 'oil. sent. Ll.fle :ego, your 1ardon for the del ill. arls7floring your cLrrxiaaJcationc;, but I have very ill and could not answer same in due time. "s 1 cannot andcr.;;t:4nd wj7 i t .i . fur me to sign this j)etition for the benefit of some of , Tour client and 1 am not farnilil,ar v:itli the lay out of t�jcz jotS c bat iii order to di_L of this pro i offer T.,ot 11 and 1,2', Burnaoilar '.dddLiuii '2 to y our 311-Jent for slide and , l you -ould make me ar, offer f(2r saiie. I also wi, to state t, I ovie 1: 2�� _zA taxes on t lots and the df:fvr shall "be su,h tha-t you sia_ll pay all ta�es due j the lots. If yuu.-areAnterested, ry e me tie best offer teat you v _do� ibly can make that we may dispuse of tne matter in _ in this way. I enclose herewiti. I. _)etitiun, and obl i Very Re6,jectially, yours, - 411 Virginia "-eriue, Los �xiSleies. "al. CD I I