HomeMy WebLinkAbout09762RESOLUTION NO. 9762 A RESOLUTION APPROVING WITH CONTINGENCIES THE URBAN RENEWAL AUTHORITY OF PUEBLO, COLORADO'S FISCAL YEAR 2003 OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE BUDGET BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF PUEBLO, that: SECTION 1 The Urban Renewal Authority of Pueblo, Colorado's ( "Authority") fiscal year 2003 Operations and Maintenance Budget ( "2003 Budget "), a copy of which is attached hereto, is hereby approved; provided, however, that the Authority shall not commit or expend any of the following amounts without prior approval of City Council by Resolution: Item Amount Other O & M Expenses (PDF /City Lease) $155,867 Capital Expenses 31,300 Parking Lot Improvements 64,800 Capital Replacement/Bond Retirement Reserve 248,086 Marketing of Pad Site Expenditures 10,000 Drawings of Expansion by Hurtig /Gardner 86,086 and, further provided that the following Items: Other O & M Expenses (PDF /City Lease) — $155,867, Capital Expenses — $31,300, and Parking Lot Improvements — $64,800 shall not be spent out of Vendors' Fee revenue. SECTION 2 Notwithstanding the foregoing approval, the Authority shall prepare an amended 2003 Budget in format acceptable to City's Assistant City Manager for Fiscal Operations and submit same to City Council for approval. The Authority is requested to review its 2003 Budget to determine the accuracy of the amounts shown as Vendors' Fee — $1,580,000, and Tax Increment Revenue — $212,000, and if such amounts are in error, Authority should incorporate the correct amounts in its amended 2003 Budget. SECTION 3 According to the Authority's 2001 audit, the Authority had $2.8 million in cash, cash equivalents and investments, of which approximately $1.9 million is in bond funds and $0.90 million is unencumbered under the control of the Authority. The Authority shall not commit or expend any of Authority's cash, cash equivalents or investments other than to reinvest same without prior approval of City Council by Resolution. INTRODUCED January 13, 2003 BY All Gurule Councilperson APPROVED: President of City Council ATTEST: al� • PUEBLO CONVENTION CENTER/URBAN RENEWAL AUTHORITY Proposed Operations/Maintenance /URA Budget 2003 12/23/2002 O& M EXPENSES DEBT SERVICE SERIES A & B BONDS 740,000 740,000 0 EVENT EXPENSES F &B Product Expense 290,101 295 500 5,399 F &B PT/rem Labor Expense 393 385,850 7,858 INDIRECT F &B Other Event Expense EVENT EXPENSE - Advardsinglioroduction EVENT EXPENSE - Telecommunications EVENT EXPENSE -Operations Labor EVENT EXPENSE - E ui menttUnen Rental EVENT EXPENSE - Other TOTAL EVENT EXPENSES EXPENSES 36,263 44,300 22,581 96,530 27,518 5,402 916,401 48,000 85,000 30,000 95,000 31,000 6,000 956,350 11,737 (20,700 419 1.530 (3,482 593 (39 Advertising 20,405 15 000 5 405 Bank Account Fees 1,500 3 (1,700 Collections/Bad Debt Expense 1,4G0 250 1,150 Computer Expense 14,150 6.600 7 650 Direct Sales 5,340 2.800 2,540 Dues/Subscriptions 7,338 6,800 538 Employee Benefits 103,270 93.500 9.770 Employee Relations 5,155 8,155 Equipment - New 19,557 2S.000 5,443 Equipment Lease Agreements 12,150 11,500 650 EqulpfBldg Maintenance A reements 31,725 24,000 7,725 Equipment Rental 3,050 3,000 50 Insurance - Wc/BidglProperty 38,000 28,800 9,200 Licenses /Permits - 1 1.600 380 Linens/Laundry 56 63500 2,940 Linens/Laundry Alloc To Event Expenses 54 027 50 000 4,027 Maintenance/Cleaning Supplies 33,170 27.000 6,170 - Meetin s/Conventlonsrrminin s 20,156 10000. 10155 Office supplies 4 3,200 800 Payroll Taxes 37,787 35 000 - 2,787 Postage 5 500 2,500 3,000 Printing 9 6,000 1,160 Professional Fees (Accounting/Legal) 5,656 300 7,700 Promotional Materials 14,290 7,750 1 6,540 Repairs - Bldg/Equipment 44,412 25,000 19,412 Salaries - Administrative 455 437,000 18 677 Salaries/Pr Taxes Alloc To Event Expenses 109 067 83,500 25,567 Telephone 32,920 30 500 2,420 Travel 9,662 8 1,662 Uniforms 14,800 11.000 3 Utilities 104,282 95,000 9,282 Utilities Alloc To Event Expenses (22,531) 23,500 969 Management Fee 68.520 81.424 (12,904 OTHER CAPITAL PARKING CAPITAL TOTAL INDIRECT EXPENSES O &M EXPENSES PDF /CITY LEASE EXPENSES LOT IMPROVEMENTS REPLACEMENT /BOND RETIREMENT RESERVE 999 155,867 31 ;300 64,800 248,086 900,124 212,000 22,000 177,000 99,066 (56,133 9 112,200 248 086 TOTAL O &M EXPENSES PROJECTED OPERATING SURPLUS DEFICIT 3,155,644 0 3 007,474 6 598 148,170 j6,596 TAX INCREMENT REVENUE PROPERTY TAX /SALES TAX INCREMENT 212,000 TOTAL TAX INCREMENT REVENUE 212,000 URBAN RENEWAL AUTHORITY EXPENSES Item Description 1 Travel expenses for URA Beard Members 15,000 2 Marketing of Pad Site Expenditures 10,000 3 URA Plan 85,000 6 Drawings of Expansion by Hurti Gardner 86,086 6 Audit Fees 4,000 7 URA Attorney Costs 11,914 TOTAL URA EXPENSES 212,000 0 960 - ff9�7&2 D O D Background Paper for Proposed RESOLUTION AGENDA ITEM # 1(o DATE: January 13, 2003 DEPARTMENT: Law Department TITLE A RESOLUTION APPROVING WITH CONTINGENCIES THE URBAN RENEWAL AUTHORITY OF PUEBLO, COLORADO'S FISCAL YEAR 2003 OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE BUDGET ISSUE Should the City Council approve the FY 2003 Urban Renewal Authority of Pueblo, Colorado ( "URA") Operations and Maintenance Budget for the Pueblo Convention Center with contingencies. RECOMMENDATION Approve the Resolution with contingencies set forth in the Resolution. BACKGROUND The URA is carrying out the Phase One Urban Renewal Plan for Downtown Pueblo and pursuant to its bond indenture and cooperation agreement with the City, the City Council must approve an Operations and Maintenance Budget for the Phase One Urban Renewal Plan including the Pueblo Convention Center. FINANCIAL IMPACT The URA Fiscal Year 2003 Operations and Maintenance Budget is attached to this Resolution. D 0 O E ° 503 N. Main Street, Suite 127 Pueblo, Colorado 81003 C I T Y O F P U E B L O OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY TO: Joseph A. Fortino, Chairman, Board of Commissioners, Urban Renewal Authority of Pueblo, Colorado FROM: City Attorney RE: 2003 Operation and Maintenance Budget DATE: January 7, 2003 Telephone: (719) 545 -412 Fax No.: (719) 545 -4301 We have reviewed the Authority's modified 2003 Operation and Maintenance Budget submitted to Mr. Lee R. Evett, City Manager with your December 20, 2002 letter. According to the Authority's 2001 audit, vendor fee revenue is shown as $1,389,585 and tax increment revenue (property and sales tax, TIF) is shown as $345,820. Bob Hain, Asst. Manager for Fiscal Operations estimates the vendor's fee to be $1,391,000 for 2003. Based upon the foregoing, we don't understand how the Authority can justify $1,580,000 vendors' fee revenue and $212,000 TIF revenue for 2003. We also question the Authority's budgeting out of the vendors' fee revenue the following items: (1) Other O &M Expenses (PDF /City Lease) $155,867 which according to your attorney are indebtedness of the Authority and proper charges against TIF revenue. The PDF Lease and repayment of City's funds has been paid out of TIF funds in the past; (2) Parking Lot Improvements in the amount of $64,800 and Capital Expenses of $31,300 which are capital expenditures outside the purview of operating and maintenance expenses for the Phase One project; and (3) Capital Replacement/Bond Retirement Reserve. Under the bond documents, monies left in the operation and maintenance fund are to be transferred into the bond retirement fund to pay the principal of, redemption provisions, if any, and interest on outstanding bonds. We see no reason for the Authority to create a separate bond retirement reserve, especially since the Authority's 2001 audit shows assets of $2.8 million in cash and investments, of which approximately $1.9 million is tied up in bond fiends and $0.90 million is held by the Authority. The parking lot has been developed on land acquired for the Urban Renewal Plan for the Amended Phase One Urban Renewal Project for Downtown Pueblo ( "Urban Renewal Plan"). According to the Urban Renewal Plan, "Authority will dispose of real property in the Amended Phase One Urban Renewal Project Area for redevelopment in accordance with the provisions of the Urban Renewal Plan and the Colorado Urban Renewal Law." It appears to be inconsistent with the purposes of the Authority's authorized functions for the Authority to expend substantial funds to improve land acquired for redevelopment as a parking lot. We also question the loading -up of operating and maintenance expenses in order to budget the expenditure of all revenue, including 100% of the vendors' fee revenue, as well as moving certain expenditures to payment out of TIF. We are of the opinion that the City Council by resolution must approve: (a) any commitment, contract or agreement with respect to or concerning the development, construction, operation or maintenance of all or any part of the Phase One Project or the Phase One Plan. (b) making any appropriation or expenditure of, or adopting an annual budget for or with respect to the operation and maintenance of all of any part of the Amended Phase One Urban Renewal Project. As we understand, pursuant to the Colorado Urban Renewal Law, the Authority may not undertake an urban renewal project for an urban renewal area except pursuant to an urban renewal plan and project approved by the City Council. The expansion of the Convention Center is a substantial modification of the approved Urban Renewal Plan and until incorporated in an urban renewal plan as an urban renewal project approved by the City Council, expenditures of funds with respect to the expansion of the Convention Center, for example, engaging architects or engineers to develop plans for such expansion, may not be legally authorized. Such expenditures may also be premature, since the City Council may, due to City's priorities and limitation on funds available for debt service when all detailed financing information is presented to the City Council, only approve a parking structure project and not the Convention Center expansion as appropriate for an urban renewal project. l �TRS.� /jp xc: Members of the City Council Lee R. Evett, City Manager Robert Hain, Asst. City Manager for Fiscal Operations -2