HomeMy WebLinkAbout00516ORDINANG& NO 516 c A; a w O$b�VaNCE Finding 'the existence and perfoTn ane - swag it 40 Inoi®ving s Park in Public r nt bi stleld No. 1� of the City of Pueblo. ,A9, U d nor and in pursuance of a law of the Sta "ratio, entitled "An Act to Provide for the creation of dis lefit benefited by certain Public improvements, and of a t btednesa, for the purpose of making such imnrovemet oved oril10. A.D. 1891, the city council of the City of Pu q County of Pueblo, in said State, expressed its opinion'( s tierearary iakiltabhsh and improve a Public Park of a benefit to lands within said city, and adjoining and io ity of said proposed park; and so (lid by Ordinance Nu. id city, passed August 3rd, A. D. 1898,.declare the neceil uch park, and establish and define a public improveiM ict of said city, known as "Public Park Improvement No. 1;' covering and including all that part of said city N h of the Arkansas River and west of the Fountain Rival thereby-, and, WHEREAS, Thereafter, and by resolution adopted by tba tlatnoil of said city, at n meeting they. , -of lawfully called and g August 10tb, A. D. 1896. there was called a special election gust 28th, A. D. 1896. of such property owners residing w1 E d improvement district as were then legal voters and hat! {' Ald a realty tax withitrl one year of the date of said eleetio� tfle purpose of voting upon the question of creating a ebtedness in and for said district wherewith to make" provement which said resolution designated from the h 0 o'clock p tn. until tine hour of seven o'clock p. m. on th _ .,, of •i*llpt. A Il 18118 as the hour anti time. and NIr, 11 n No. 1. in the old•Otiy utl 1 said ,44 t >yilioa h i1 Gtleh eleetlty », sited t + P ily newspaper published in said city, in theConnty oflr the daily newspapeo wherein to give notice of said electio tblish said call, and did also appoint the followinst Person re then and there legal voters. and had then paid realty id district, within one year of the date of such electi 1 rilid olootibn, to -wit. M. H. Fitch, F. L Meat* aurae pownitta • and i ' W HF1tEA8, otice of such election was given by publicat id call in the consecutive daily issues of said The Pueblo dally newspaner published in said city, in the county afo romancing with the issue of the 12th day of August and 3th the issue of the 28th day of August, both inclusive, ail air A. D. 1896; and, , W9EBYk$,O1the28tl dayofAugust,A,D.1896;at tile hoir ,f tlifelock p.m., at No. 616 North Main Street, aforesait, saint jut cation Thomas Downing and M. H. Fitch, being then and; the bystanding property owners residing in sai I f enk d�latrict, who were then legal voters and had then paid, X within one year of such election, by a majority of the Vilt/A or vote, filled said vacancies by electing Thomas J. Dowtt.n and W. D. Latshaw as such judges of election; and imme(listoly Oiereafter each and all of said judges were then and there a+w*m 1p discharge their duties faithfully • and the said judges eW"A j ne of their number, namely, said Thomas J. Downen, as pr udge, and another, namely, W. D. Latshaw, as seeretaryl , WiMsICAS, At the opening or said meeting, at the ti tlaipa 01"ala, coal# of the said property owpere so quail foresail. as were then present, by resolution, adopted rity vote thereof, declared that a bonded indebtedness istriet, in the sum of Seventy Thousand ($70,000) Dollars, e ereated for the purposeof making the said improvement; hereupon the ballot box was opened and kept open Udges until the hour of seven o'clock p.m., on the clay, be place aforesaid, when the said ballot -box was closed, clots publicly counted, and the result thereof then an" ubiicly announced by the sa' udges to b3 one hundr ftv- fQpr,Pi) votes for the us Uapg of the said bonds, an, adopted and used in said nse.s in the conduct there( 'o (2) days next after the l Lahr— an nroval of the same ss!�ltlat the snnis>.r ai.istir .: was atgWrizrd at saidelection for wt' HEREAS, 'Thereafter, and at a meeting O, the city AW co ' city, lawfully called and held September 21st, A. D. ascertained, roported to, and resolved by said Pity n the respective propositions of Henry C. Brown, fort it lands for Thirty -five Thousand ($35,000) Dolla Andrew McClelland for the sale of the lands compris eral Palace block for Ten Thousand ($10,000) Dollars t cost of said improvement, in securine land for the lay 1 improving said park, would amount to Seventy Th 000) Dollars; that all the lots and lauds lying whir lic Park Improvement District No. 1, will he equall mod, in proportion to the assessed value thereof, by reaso ankins[ of said improvement; and an assessment of W" then and there mAdei equally upon all the lots and la sa , "le within said ittiprgvement district, according to the a value thereof, and it „was then and there resolved that to thereafter levied, as ` tovided by said law, against all sa *"tl lands within saidiibprovement district, naively north Arkansas River and *6st of tha Fountain River, in sai equally in proportion fliihe assessed valve thereof, forthe n ' of paying the said sum of seventy thousand dollars ($76, tither with the interest and charges, and a notice of the ompletion of said assessment was then and there c o given, by pubfication thatamd assesabent had Nee ' n said lands within said districk and was ready for i b by publication of such notice for thirty (30) dates i lo Press, a daily newspaper published within the Ctt aforesaid, which said notice designated Monday, the of November, A. D. 1898, at 7:110 o'clock p, m., as the d e upon which the city council of said city would sit pose of hearing objections to such assessment, and rections ther -in; and, HEREAS, at meeting of the city council of the city of tfresaid, held on November 2nd, A, D. 1896, at the hour m., there wera no objections presented to, or change Voted in, the said assessments, and it was by the city e �i m m lved that said assessment made on September 21st, ft be, and the sae was thereby confirmed and made n all the lots and lands in said park district, ^Now, therefore, in consideration of the premises, 'JWACTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CIT3 t EC. 1. That under and in pursuance of said law entitle Ault to provide for the creation of districts to be benefited b �t public improvements, and of a bonded indebtedness f pose of making such improvements,” approved April j 1891, and the full compliance therewith, herehy found a 16red as hereinbcfore recited, that the city of Pueblo actirw - MYhall' of Public Park Improvement District No. 1 of said i hit owl is hereby authorized to is tie bonds numbered cons[ eu &*in one (1) to seventy (70), both inclusive, of the deno wMlt, at par, of the principal sum of one thousand dollars M ight in United States gold coin of, the present sta tff weight and fineness or its equivalent, in fifteen (]b) �!m the date of issuance thereof, and redeemable in tell ytors, hearing interest at the rate of five per cent, per all&**. gMdenced by interest coupons numbered ponsecutively f. onp two (f) to thirty (30), both inclusive, attached to each such bsAA. pstyable in like gold coin of same standard, semi - annually oN 400te "t day of January and the first day of July of each year; .lam Wilticipal and interest to be payable, at holder'.; option, eitl st ��{'�gfilce of the city treasurer, in the city of Pueblo aforrsa sir ; naseNational Bank in the city of New York, in New York 9111 of the revenues to be derived from the special taxes pro few' by said act and authorized by the proceedings afosysai --Said bonds ball be denominated "City: of cent. Park Bonds." They shall be signed by the 14tay Treasurer on behalf of the city, with the co So hed, and duly attested by the City Clerk and Auditor }tons 1bereof shall be signed by the engraved signature a or ai* Clerk of said city, which shall be deemed and he of the same binding force and effect as if signed in vrriti officers signinsr said bonds and shall Mr ' J Five per cen art 1#on .- ssuet on behalf of Public 'ark Improvement District No. 1. t No. -- Total issue $70,000. $1,000.00. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS That the City of Pueblo, in the Comity of Pueblo and State of Colorado, actin;; on behalf 1 of Public Park Improvement District No. 1, of said city, for value { received, promises to pay to bearer, either at the office of its City Treasurer, in Pueblo, Colorado, or at The Chase National Bank in the city of New York, at the holder's option, on the first clay {p { of January, A. D. 1913, one thousand dollars ($1,000) in United t State gold coin of the present standard of weight and fineness or ids equivalent, with interest thereon at five per centum per anjitim, payable at...M1?*0*MpL%ee� semi=annually, on the first j days of January and July m'each year, in like gold coin of the same standard of value, upon presentation and surrender of the annexed coupons therefor. This bond is one of a series of seventy (70) coupon bonds for one thousand dollars ($1;(00) each, of like tenor and date, num- bered consecutively from one (1) to seventy (70), both inclusive, which are issued under the prov;sions of an act of the General Assembly of the State of Colorado, entitled "An act to provide for the creation of districts to be benefited by certain public improvements, and of a bonded indebtedness for the purpose of making such improvements," approved April 10th, A. D. 1891, as will more fully appear by the ordinance of said city, authorizing 1 the same, printed upon the back hereof. Said bonds are payable out of the revenues to be derived from the special taxes provided by said act, which have been assessed thereunder equ311y upon all the lots and lands situ- ate within the district of e� id city known as ``Public Park Improvement District No. V covering and including all that part of said city lying north of the Arkansas river and west of the Fountain river, which assessment is by law made a lien on such lands until the said principal and interest are fully paid. This bond is redeemable in ten (10) years from date. The pro - ceeds from the sale of bonds of this issue, numbered consecutively from one (1) to thirty -seven (37), both inclusive, were used in payment for the lands offered by Henry C. Brown, and the broceeds of those numbered consecutively from thirty - eight (38) to forty- eight (48), both inclusive, were used to pur- chase the lands offered by Andrew McClelland, and the remain- der to improve the said lands. IN W ITNESS WIIEREOF. Said the City of Pueblo hath caused these presents to he sealed with its corporate seal, signed by its Mayor and Treasurer, and attested by its City Clerk and Aud- itor, the twelfth day of January, A. D. 1897. (CER1IFiCATE OF COUNTY CLERK.) STATE OF COLORADO, COUSTY OF PUEBLO, SS. CITY OF P UEBLO. 1 I, J. M. Meales, County Clerk in and for the County of Pueblo, State of Colorado, do hereby certify that the foregoing (or within) bond was, previous to the sale thereof by said city, pre- sented to me. and is duly rel;isteteil in the book kept for that purpose in my office, noting; the improvement district, the time of payment and rate of interest, in pursuance of the statute in such cases provided. WITNESS my hand this twelfth day of January, A. D. 1897, No. (FORM OF COUPON.) $25.00. The City of Pueblo will pay to bearer, either at the office of its city treasurer, in the City of Pueblo, State of Colorado, or at the Chase National Bank in the city of Newyork, at the holder's op- tion, twenty -five dollars, fu United States gold coin, of the present ptafidard of weight and firteness, its equivalent- on ttl6 [I`rst day of -- - - -, A. D. 189....., being six months' interest on PgMic Park Improvement Bond No. — , of Public Park Irnprove- .ment District No. 1, of Pueblo. Colorada. 3. Tbat the action heretofore taken, whereby said bonds advertised for sale, and bids received and. opened and werif a eepted therefor, be, and the name is hereby expressly ratified aid approved, and the execution and issuance of said bonds to the purchasers whose bids were accepted at said sale, is hereby expressly approved and ratified. Passe and Approved, Januar 11th,. A „ 897 i i — i