HomeMy WebLinkAbout00461t C An ordinance �;r_antinv_ to the Wester� Union Telegraph Company the rid ht to c otjs tr qc t, operate and maintain a telegraph. line in the streets, ��llevs atz(t pl _blic ways O the t. - -"ity of Pi eblo,. ;ate of Co3orado- Be it, ordained by the City Coli.ncil of the City of Pi*zeblo,. Colorado Section I. That the Western Union Tel.evrapil Company, its sllcoessors and assi'pns, are hereby a, „ and empowered to of t poles with fixtures and wires necessary fo -r their rise, and rJo each and every other thin; necessary for the constr?zction;` operation an maintainence of a telegraph. Line for the u .rpos e of slipplyinp; th.e citizens of said _-: ity of Pu and the ublic in • p gener c omm�a.n is �zton by tele�;rap��, such - constrii- tion, operation rand nmaintainence to be iipon the terms anal conditions hereinafter stated. Sec. �':. T�je location of the poles and lines now in ia_s e, ishereby approved; aim(z the location of call other poles hereafter to be corns trm'zc ted or erected, and any change in the l.oc ation of the poles and lines now in its e, or extensions thereof, shall be ii.nrler the dir_ ec.tion and control of the City cortjn(_-i_1 of the City - - )f pl?.eblo. 'e Said poles and wires shall be er ected, placed and maintained so as not to inter _f_ ere with the travel th.roii� the streets,- alleys and highways of the City of FZZeb1o. The sr-lid poles, with their fixtil.res and wires, shall be constrijct --- ed. so that the Ya ame shall, not inter in ai - lv manner with the sirlewal_k;' cl rbinp;,' water, sewer and gas mains, or pipes, or other tiling or drains o r pipes now laid or to be here_ i after lai(I by the {J it,Y of F -ieblo or any person or ind ivldwit authorized by the ( The said Western Union Telegrap-4 Company shall at all times save and keen harmless the City of P?).(:,! from any and all damages accruing 'by reason of the - cons t_imction, operation and maintainenc`e of its said lines of telegraph; whether said damage arises oiit of an in ji)-ry to the person or property. This frr'rzchise is made,nd is to be enj oyed by the '_Jompanv,- subj to : i - ich reas onevble rules, r_ ef;ialations ).n( ordinances as the saidi �. ity council of the Citv of Pueblo is a1athorized o,nd sees proper, at any time, to adopt, not destructive to the rights herein ;;ranted. S ec. 4 The r_ ipht of Ii.se herein given shall not be excliusive, ('I the City Council reserves the bower *to vrr i t a like right of way to any other tele�;raph company; the s �� e, how- ever,, not to interfere with the reasonable. anal proper exercise of the nrikrilege herein fir_ anted. Sec. ). In consideration whereof, the said Western Union Telegraph Company shall, and by tho ac ceptance of this or nance rloes, av to permit the City Coixncil of the City of Plleblo to attach at any time to the top ca arm of any of said poles ,• wh =;ire prac tic able, the City fire alarm alin pol *.ice wires, and said poles are hereby made a Vinicipal instriaxnent- w lity for that purpose; provid gad, however, said attachment shall be made so as not to interfere with said Compalay's i 'use; and s aid attachm s hall be, m ade a.nrI mainta.' e d iu let' the direction of s `ca ill. COmpany' s I`3 anage at the r� ity of Piaebl.oe The sail Cornpantt slI a, wlll fl�?'I11Sh tale sairl City of Pzi.ebl the lase of its holes for the cGttC1JT1P.nt r thereto of its fire al<<rm boxes, an(l_ without char. �,e to the City. ;Sec. 6. TI-is s orr-1 i nanc e shrall take effect immed irately upon its 114 tJ l� passage and the filing, by the said Western ` TelegrapW Company, of the unconditional acceptance thereof -' in writing, in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Pi.:Leblo Sec. 7. `,Vher e1rer the sai(I W estern Union Teleprap t;ompany ceases to overate a telegraph lines i ll t.. . Cite of P?)-eblo, and ceases to ,1:s e said poles and lines herein provided for, and the operation of its l ines of tel then said Com , pany sl�all remove said lines and poles from the streets and alleys of the said City, within.` sixty (60) days from the d ate that said Con.ipany so ceases to is s e and operate s lines, and will. -place the streets and alleys, over which said lines were c onstructed and operated, in as Fo ©d condition as the same were at the time of the constrizction Of sa-i(� {7_t�� of te.le�raph. Sec. 1 3. `l'hrit all or(i inl1c es and parts of ordinances, orders and resolutions i)_non the s13_b. - -ect of te- P raph wires, so far as the sar relates to the Vest ;rn r pion Te=l_e a _.i (_Iorfl piny, be, and the same are, hereby _ ed. , Attes �� > Approved,. ----- - - - - -_ _-- _ - - ____ _ - - -- - -- ---------- - - - - -- Citv Cler , •a IIT or., . Passe, , C/, j AP