HomeMy WebLinkAbout09410RESOLUTION NO. 9410 A RESOLUTION AWARDING A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT IN THE AMOUNT OF $58,679.22 TO GOLDSTAR CONSTRUCTION, AND SETTING FORTH $1,265.24 FOR CONTINGENCIES, FOR THE FREIGHT STATION LANDSCAPE PROJECT AND AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASING AGENT TO EXECUTE SAME WHEREAS, proposals for the Freight Station Landscape Project, No. 01 -087 have been received and examined; and WHEREAS, the proposal of Goldstar Construction, Inc. of Pueblo, Colorado, was the lowest of those bids determined to be responsible. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF PUEBLO, that: SECTION 1. The contract for the Freight Station Landscape Project be, and the same is hereby awarded to said bidder in the amount of 58,679.22. SECTION 2. The Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized to execute the Contract on behalf of Pueblo, a Municipal Corporation, and the City Clerk shall affix the Seal of the City thereto and attest same. SECTION 3. In addition to the amount of the bid set forth, as aforementioned, an additional amount as stipulated in this section is hereby established for contingencies and additional work. Contingencies and additional work - -- $1,265.24 SECTION 4. Funds in the amount of $59,944.46 shall be paid from Account 260 -9510- 600.80 -50. INTRODUCED: OCTOBER 9. 2001 BY: C orinne Koehler COUNCIL PERSON APPROVED: OF CITY COUNCIL ATTESTED BY: TY CLERK Background Paper for Proposed RESOLUTION AGENDA ITEM # DATE: OCTOBER 9, 2001 DEPARTMENT: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT /JIM MUNCH TITLE A RESOLUTION AWARDING A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT IN THE AMOUNT OF $58,679.22 TO GOLDSTAR CONSTRUCTION, AND SETTING FORTH $1,265.24 FOR CONTINGENCIES, FOR THE FREIGHT STATION LANDSCAPE PROJECT AND AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASING AGENT TO EXECUTE SAME ISSUE Should City Council award a construction Contract to Goldstar Construction, Inc. for the Freight Station Landscape Project? RECOMMENDATION Approval of Resolution. BACKGROUND Site improvement to date for the D &RGW Freight Station property have been funded in part by a grant from the Energy Mineral Impact Assistance Fund (EIAF) in the amount of $250,000. Improvements include the relocation of overhead power, streetlights, utilities, curb and gutter, street and sidewalk improvements. The remaining balance of funds will pay for the installation of the landscape and public sidewalk. Bids for the landscape project have been received and have exceeded the landscape architects estimate and budget of funds available. The low bidder, Goldstar Construction, Inc. submitted a bid for $69,386.70. The available funds for the project is $59,944.46. Unit quantities have been reduced to allow the bid to be adjusted for the funds available. No negotiation of prices has been made. The Contract amount will be $58,679.22 with the remaining fund balance of $1,265.24 to be used for contingencies. The EIAF Contract deadline for the use of funds is November 15, 2001. FINANCIAL IMPACT The project shall be paid by a grant from the Energy Mineral Impact Assistance Fund not to exceed $59,944.46 from Account No. PL9919, 260 - 9510- 600.80 -50. The north Side Parks Department part- time crew at an estimated annual cost of $832 will perform maintenance for this project. Irrigation repair cost is not estimated due to unforeseen damages accrued or adjustments that maybe required. i Y Background Paper for Proposed RESOLUTION AGENDA ITEM # DATE: OCTOBER 9, 2001 DEPARTMENT: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT /JIM MUNCH TITLE A RESOLUTION AWARDING A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT IN THE AMOUNT OF $58,679.22 TO GOLDSTAR CONSTRUCTION, AND SETTING FORTH $1,265.24 FOR CONTINGENCIES, FOR THE FREIGHT STATION LANDSCAPE PROJECT AND AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASING AGENT TO EXECUTE SAME ISSUE Should City Council award a construction Contract to Goldstar Construction, Inc. for the Freight Station Landscape Project? RECOMMENDATION Approval of Resolution. BACKGROUND Site improvement to date for the D &RGW Freight Station property have been funded in part by a grant from the Energy Mineral Impact Assistance Fund (EIAF) in the amount of $250,000. Improvements include the relocation of overhead power, streetlights, utilities, curb and gutter, street and sidewalk improvements. The remaining balance of funds will pay for the installation of the landscape and public sidewalk. Bids for the landscape project have been received and have exceeded the landscape architects estimate and budget of funds available. The low bidder, Goldstar Construction, Inc. submitted a bid for $69,386.70. The available funds for the project is $59,944.46. Unit quantities have been reduced to allow the bid to be adjusted for the funds available. No negotiation of prices has been made. The Contract amount will be $58,679.22 with the remaining fund balance of $1,265.24 to be used for contingencies. The EIAF Contract deadline for the use of funds is November 15, 2001. FINANCIAL IMPACT The project shall be paid by a grant from the Energy Mineral Impact Assistance Fund not to exceed $59,944.46 from Account No. PL9919, 260 - 9510- 600.80 -50. The north Side Parks Department part- time crew at an estimated annual cost of $832 will perform maintenance for this project. Irrigation repair cost is not estimated due to unforeseen damages accrued or adjustments that maybe required. BID SUMMARY BIDDERS BID NO. 01 -087 Goldstar Total Jay TL Construction Terrain Furney Printz DATE:9 /21/01 TIME: 1:00 PM COMMODITY: FREIGHT STATION LANDSCAPE PROJECT ITEM QUANTITY REMOVALIDEMOLITION SITE IMPROVEMENTS 1 Remove Concrete 160 UP 2.00 6.00 2.00 2.59 (160 s.f.) AMT 320.00 960.00 320.00 414.40 2 Remove Old HAVC Unit 1 UP 201.65 500.00 250.00 118.32 3 AMT 201.65 500.00 250.00 118.32 SITE IMPROVEMENTS 2 Const. 4" Concrete 3785 UP 2.39 3.80 2.40 2.19 (3785 s.f.) AMT 9046.15 14383.00 9084.00 8289.15 3 Const. 4" Color Concrete 750 UP 7.71 12.30 5.25 10.17 (750 s.f.) AMT 5782.50 9225.00 3937.50 7627.50 4 Const. 6" std Curb 154 UP 14.31 10.80 11.00 13.61 (154 If AMT 2203.74 1663.20 1694.00 2095.94 5 Const. Trash Enclosure 1 UP 2719.33 2490.00 4000.00 2012.74 AMT 2719.33 2490.00 4000.00 2012.74 6 Install Grass Paver 960 UP 5.67 4.50 5.25 3.42 (960 s.f.) AMT 5443.20 4320.00 5040.00 3283.20 LANDSCAPE 7 Install Shade Tree 23 UP 355.36 295.00 405.00 431.87 AMT 8173.28 6785.00 9315.00 9933.01 8 Install Ornamental Tree 8 UP 351.54 240.00 405.00 431.87 AMT 2812.32 1920.00 3240.00 3454.96 9 Install Pine Tree 13 UP 193.35 139.00 280.00 283.97 AMT 2513.55 1807.00 3640.00 3691.61 10 Install Spruce Tree 2 UP 542.37 340.00 415.00 443.70 AMT 1084.74 680.00 830.00 887.40 11 Install Deciduous Shrub 80 UP 28.64 28.00 50.00 35.50 AMT 2291.20 2240.00 4000.00 2840.00 12 Install Coniferuos Shrub 28 UP 35.16 33.00 58.00 44.96 AMT 984.48 924.00 1624.00 1258.88 13 Install Perennial Plants 30 UP 11.72 9.60 45.00 17.75 AMT 351.60 288.00 1350.00 532.50 BID SUMMARY BIDDERS BID NO. 01 -087 Goldstar Total Jay TL Construction Terrain Furney Printz DATE:9 /21/01 TIME: 1:00 PM COMMODITY: FREIGHT STATION LANDSCAPE PROJECT ITEM QUANTITY 14 Install Sod W /Prep 8822 UP 0.51 0.75 1.00 0.89 (8822 s.f.) AMT 4499.22 6616.50 8822.00 7851.58 15 Install Gravel Mulch 9792 UP 0.27 0.90 0.75 0.77 (9792 s.f.) AMT 2643.84 8812.80 7344.00 7539.84 16 Install Landscape Fabric 9792 UP 0.19 0.12 0.35 0.30 (9792 s.f.) AMT 1860.48 1175.04 3427.20 2937.60 17 6" Metal Edge W /Stakes 234 UP 3.94 5.00 2.50 2.69 (2341.f.) AMT 921.96 1170.00 585.00 629.46 IRRIGATION 18 Install Pop -up Sprinkler 25 UP 13.24 20.00 25.00 20.11 AMT 331.00 500.00 625.00 502.75 19 Install Rotor Sprinkler 24 UP 43.02 75.00 35.00 33.13 AMT 1032.48 1800.00 840.00 795.12 20 Install Quick Coupler 5 UP 50.47 150.00 140.00 141.98 AMT 252.35 750.00 700.00 709.90 21 Install Drip Valve Assembly 5 UP 65.63 385.00 85.00 73.36 AMT 328.15 1925.00 425.00 366.80 22 Install 1" Electric Valve Assemb 4 UP 72.80 260.00 88.00 78.09 AMT 291.20 1040.00 352.00 312.36 23 Install 1" BPD 1 UP 289.55 1200.00 700.00 709.92 AMT 289.55 1200.00 700.00 709.92 24 Install BPD Cover & Base 1 UP 206.83 1800.00 900.00 937.09 AMT 206.83 1800.00 900.00 937.09 25 Install 3/4" Stop & Waste 1 UP 206.83 650.00 350.00 295.80 AMT 206.83 650.00 350.00 295.80 26 Install PVC Mainline 965 UP 5.36 3.00 2.90 2.96 (9651.f.) AMT 5172.40 2895.00 2798.50 2856.40 27 Install PVC Lateral 780 UP 3.39 2.50 2.90 2.96 (7801.f.) AMT 2644.20 1950.00 2262.00 2308.80 28 Install Poly Drip Line 750 UP 1.51 1.00 0.95 0.89 (7501.f.) AMT 1132.50 750.00 712.50 667.50 BID SUMMARY BIDDERS BID NO. 01 -087 Goldstar Total Jay TL Construction Terrain Furney Printz DATE:9 /21/01 TIME: 1:00 PM COMMODITY: FREIGHT STATION LANDSCAPE PROJECT ITEM QUANTITY 29 Install Controller W /PED 1 UP 827.29 1850.00 2400.00 2323.80 AMT 827.29 1850.00 2400.00 2323.80 30 Install 4" PVC Sleeves 68 UP 5.69 5.00 4.00 4.14 (68l.f.) AMT 386.92 340.00 272.00 281.52 31 Install Drip En Plug w /box 11 UP 10.24 25.00 75.00 59.16 AMT 112.64 275.00 825.00 650.76 MOBILIZATION 32 Mobilization 1 UP 1734.67 2000.00 3800.00 361.17 AMT 1734.67 2000.00 3800.00 361.17 TRAFFIC CONTROL 33 Traffic Control 1 UP 584.45 1500.00 250.00 544.86 AMT 584.45 1500.00 250.00 544.86 GRAND TOTAL AMT 69386.70 87184.54 86714.70 80022.64 FREIGHT STATION LANDSCAPE PROJECT PROJECT NO. 01 -087 REVISED QUOTATION BID SUMMARY FOR GOLDSTAR CONSTRUCTION, INC. Prepared by the Department of Planning and Development, WJZ 9/26/01 ITEM QTY. UNIT UNIT TOTAL COST BID DEMOLITION REMOVE CONCRETE 160 SF $2.00 $ 320.00 REMOVE HVAC 1 EA $201.65 $ 201.65 •� SITE IMPROVEMENTS CONST. 4" CONC. 3,785 SF $2.39 $ 9,046.15 CONST. 4" COLOR CONC. 750 SF $7.71 $ 5,782.50 CONST. C &G T.2 1 -B 154 LF $14.31 $ 2,203.74 CONST. TRASH ENCL. 1 EA $2,719.33 $ 2,719.33 INSTALL GRASS PAVER 15 �, , I .:.nT Y� Frr ..d �xJ �t.•,r. i- LANDSCAPE 960 i. '; t SF „$ $5.67 L'i^niyS .c G�t� '� $ 5,443.20 INSTALL 2" SHADE TREE 12 EA $355.36 $ 4,264.32 INSTALL ORNAMENTAL 8 EA $351.54 $ 2,812.32 INSTAL PINE TREE 2 EA $193.35 $ 386.70 INSTALL SPRUCE TREE 2 EA $542.37 $ 1,084.74 INSTALL #5 DECID. SHRUB 44 EA $28.64 $ 1,260.16 INSTALL #5 CONIF. SHRUB 28 EA $35.16 $ 984.48 INSTALL PERRENIALS 30 EA $11.72 $ 351.60 INSTALL SOD/ PREP. 8,822 SF $0.51 $ 4,499.22 INSTALL 3" GRAVEL MULCF 6,667 SF $0.27 $ 1,800.09 INSTALL FABRIC 6,667 SF $0.19 $ 1,266.73 INSTALL 6" EDGER 39 LF $3.94 $ 153.66 IRRIGATION INSTALL SPRAY SPRK 25 EA $13.24 $ 331.00 INSTALL ROTOR SPRK 24 EA $43.02 $ 1,032.48 INSTALL QUICK COUPLER 5 EA $50.47 $ 252.35 INSTALL DRIP VALVE ASS. 3 EA 1 $65.63 1 - $ 196.89 FREIGHT STATION LANDSCAPE PROJECT PROJECT NO. 01-087 REVISED QUOTATION BID SUMMARY FOR GOLDSTAR CONSTRUCTION, INC. Prepared by the Department of Planning and Development, WJZ 9/26/01 INSTALLELEC. VALVE 4 EA $72.80 $ 291.20 INSTALL BPD 1 EA $289.55 $ 289.55 INSTALL BPD COVER 1 EA $206.83 $ 206.83 INSTALL STOP/WASTE 1 EA $206.83 $ 206.83 INSTALL MAINLINE 805 LF $5.36 $ 4,314.80 INSTALL LATERAL LINE 780 LF $3.39 $ 2,644.20 INSTALL DRIP LINE 475 LF $1.51 $ 717.25 INSTALL CONTROLLER 1 EA $827.29 $ 827.29 INSTALL 4" SLEEVE 68 LF $5.69 $ 386.92 INSTALL DRIP PLUG W /BO f MOBILIZATION 8 5 EA $10.24 $ 81.92 , A1 1 4}- MOBILIZATION 1 LP $1,734.67 $ 1,734.67 TRAFFIC CONTROL TRAFFIC CONTROL t YRTYx s 1 LP $584.45 R4 . $ 584.45 � _ BID AMOUNT BID REDUCTION AMENDMENT $ 69,386.70 $ (10,707.48) NEW BID AND CONTRACT $ 58,679.22